Can a Data Analyst Work From Home? (Here’s the Truth)

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We cover the remote job market situation in the data world and answer if data analysts can work fully remotely.

If you’re wondering if data analysts can work from home, you’re in the right place. Before diving into this subject, it’s important to mention that 2020 had a big impact on how the future of remote working will look like for everyone.

During the Coronavirus pandemic, even companies whose CEOs were strongly against allowing their employees to work from home were forced to adjust and implement remote-friendly policies. 

In most cases, this change proved to be extremely effective, increased work satisfaction, reduced company costs, improved productivity, and in the end, changed a lot of minds. 

What is the remote job market situation?

In the Data Analysis / Data Science / Business Intelligence fields

Plenty of companies already announced that even after the pandemic ends, they’ll permanently embrace working models focused on remote working, higher flexibility, and adapt hybrid ways of working.

Analysts can perfectly work together from the comfort of their homes.

This means that the remote job market future looks bright and we expect to see a significant rise in remote-friendly jobs in the data world. 

Can Data Analysts Work From Home?

Yes, absolutely. If you want to work remotely as a data analyst, all you need is a laptop, your favorite analysis/visualization tools, and of course a remote-friendly job. 

Whether we talk about freelancing, contract-based, or full-time jobs, data analysts can work remotely, without any doubt. 

How to Work Remotely as a Data Analyst

Being a data analyst is considered to be a lonely profession that already requires an independent and autonomous mentality. This fits well in a remote-working world.

Use the virtual collaboration tools with your teammates 

The collaboration with your colleagues – other BI analysts, data engineers, data scientists, data architects – is usually kept at a minimum. And when you need to collaborate, you can easily do it virtually using all kinds of modern tools like Slack for quick chatting, Miro for whiteboarding sessions, Zoom, or Hangouts for meetings.

Present your findings in virtual meetings with stakeholders 

From home, you will also be able to hold important meetings with your key stakeholders. Whether you need to define requirements, give updates, or present findings of your analysis, reports, or dashboards – you can easily do any of that from the comfort of your home. Screensharing is key!

Set up your favorite tools/programming language 

There’s usually no difference between the tools you would use at the office and the tools you would use at home. 

Most analysts usually code in Python, R, SQL and use visualization tools like Tableau, PowerBi, and more. Most companies should provide you with free gear (laptop, monitors, adapters, keyboards, etc) and with the required software licenses.

Get a good home office setup

You will need a comfortable chair, a good enough laptop and most importantly, make sure to take care of your eyes’ health and invest in a good quality monitor.

A career in data can be challenging for your eyes, you will be looking all day into a monitor searching for valuable insights between thousands of rows and lines of code.  

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